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Saccos With the Highest Dividends [So Far Announced in 2025]
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Saccos With the Highest Dividends [So Far Announced in 2025]

Saccos have become popular among Kenyans seeking high, yet steady, returns from savings and capital investments. 

From Mid-January, Saccos across the country started releasing their financial reports for the year ended December 31st 2024. The reports also reveal the dividend yields remitted to members and the interest paid on non-withdrawable deposits., in this article, compiles a list of Saccos that paid the highest dividends and interest to members - as so far announced. The article will be updated as more Saccos release their financial reports in the coming weeks. 

1. Tower Sacco

Tower Sacco, formerly Nyandarua Teachers Sacco, was first registered in 1976 and issued its first loans to members in 1977. The entity rebranded to Tower Sacco in 2011 and was licensed by SASRA the same year.

The institution has since grown into one of the best Saccos in the country, with a membership of over 249,511 as of August 2024, spread across 19 branches, 7 satellites, and 3 super agents countrywide.

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Tower Sacco’s share capital and deposits increased from Ksh18,213,714,624 in August 2023 to Ksh21,456,014,999 by August 31, 2024, representing an increase of Ksh3,242,300,375—an 18% growth. 

The Sacco paid out dividends of 20 per cent and a 13 per cent interest on non-withdrawable deposits.

2. Port DT Sacco

Ports Sacco is a Tier 1 licensed deposit-taking Sacco regulated by the Sacco Society Regulatory Authority (SASRA). It was founded in the year 1966 by employees of the then East African Harbours & Railways corporation. 

The Sacco opened its common bond in the year 2010 and now has diverse membership coming from salaried and non-salaried individuals, investment groups (chamas), corporates, sole businesses, and Kenyans in the diaspora.

Ports DT Sacco recorded strong performance in 2024 with net surplus rising 49.5% to Ksh444.2 million and assets growing 15% to Ksh10.54 billion. Loans to members increased 16.7% to Ksh6.94 billion, while dividends and member deposit rates remained steady at 20% and 12.5%, respectively.

Read Also: Frequently Asked Questions About Saccos in Kenya

3. Yetu Sacco

Yetu Sacco is a deposit-taking Sacco licensed under the Societies Act, Registration No. CS. 6366. The name Yetu Sacco Society Ltd was adopted in 2010 when the administrative areas of presence moved beyond South Imenti in Meru County. The name “Yetu” is a Swahili word that means ours, born from members' commitment to building their own society.

For the financial year ended December 31, 2024, Yetu Sacco closed the books with total assets of Ksh7,864,670,617, up from Ksh6,419,299,890 the previous year. The Sacco paid its members dividends of 19 per cent and interest rates of 13 per cent.

4. Ollin Sacco

Ollin Sacco Society Ltd was registered on June 14, 1976, with an initial membership of 163 and has since grown to boast over 33,000 active members.

The Sacco is headquartered in Kerugoya town, Kirinyaga County, and has branches in Mwea, Kitengela, Kiserian, Kajiado town, Kimana-Loitoktok, Kianyaga, Narok, Thika, and Nairobi.

Ollin Sacco paid its members a dividend on share capital at the rate of 17.5% and interest on members’ deposits at 12.2%.

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5. Winas Sacco

Winas Savings and Credit Co-operative Society Limited, formerly known as Embu Teachers Sacco Limited, is a SASRA-licensed financial institution first established in 1977 to serve teachers in the larger Embu district.

The Sacco has since undergone a remarkable transformation, rebranding and extending membership beyond the education sector to include professionals and entrepreneurs from various fields.

Winas, which boasts over 45,000 members, recorded exemplary growth in FY 2024 with total assets hitting over Ksh14.4 billion. The Sacco will pay its members dividends on shares at 16.50% and rebates on Deposits at 12.50%.

6. Cosmopolitan Sacco

For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2024, Cosmopolitan Sacco closed with an asset base of Ksh11,683,926,145 up from Ksh10,287,132,558 the previous year. The strong financial performance resulted in a 16 per cent dividend payout for members on share capital and a 12.4 per cent interest rate on deposits.

7. Trans Nation Sacco

Trans-Nation Sacco Ltd. (TN Sacco), formerly Tharaka Nithi Teachers Sacco (TNT), was founded on June 28, 1993, under registration number C/S 6826. 

The Sacco is headquartered at the Mwalimu Centre building in Chuka Town, Tharaka Nithi County, and has a presence in the counties of Meru, Marsabit, Isiolo, Kitui, and Samburu and 20 branches nationally.

Since its inception, TN Sacco has grown to become one of the first to computerize their services and the first to start FOSA in Kenya with a membership of about 2,644 members and share capital of Ksh72,801,862. 

Currently, the Sacco boasts total assets of Ksh12.02 billion and a membership of over 41,000 in BOSA and over 100,000 accounts in FOSA. TN Sacco is also a SASRA-compliant deposit-taking Sacco.

For the financial year ended December 2024, TN Sacco paid out dividends at 15 per cent and 12.5 per cent on non-withdrawable deposits.

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8. Solution Sacco

Solution Sacco is a licensed tier one; deposit-taking Sacco established in 1976 with an aim to champion social economic prosperity of its members. It is licensed and regulated by SASRA. 

Solution Sacco has 13 branches countrywide with an asset base of over Ksh7.5 billion and over 25,000 members drawn from different sectors; education, health, Cooperatives, Counties and National Government employees, MSMEs, Chamas and other community-based organizations.

For FY 2024, the Sacco paid its members 15 per cent dividends on share capital and 10.5 per cent interest on non-withdrawable deposits.

9. NewFortis Sacco

Newfortis Savings and Credit Co-operative society was started in 1976 with membership of 857 drawn from the teaching fraternity that is Primary schools, Secondary school and Tertiary institutions.

The Sacco has since evolved to incorporate other industry professionals from across the country.

NewFortis Sacco paid its members dividends of 14 per cent and interest rates of 13 per cent on non-withdrawable deposits for FY 2024.

10. Capital Sacco

Capital Sacco was started in 1972 as a section of the giant Meru Famer’s co-operative Union LTD, initially serving members of the affiliated dairy and coffee societies. In the year 2005 it was split from the union and became a separate entity known as Meru Farmers Sacco. 

Capital Sacco rebranded in 2012 to bring on board entrepreneurs, salaried customers, institutions, and other interested parties from all parts of the country. 

The Sacco paid its members a 15% dividend on capital shares and an interest rate of 9 per cent for FY 2024.

11. Sheria Sacco

Sheria SACCO Society Ltd was formally registered in 1972 and has grown to over 10,000 members from the Judiciary, AG Chambers, government ministries, businesspersons, and individuals above 18 with an income.

The SACCO paid 16% dividends on share capital and 11% interest on deposits to its members.

Other Saccos That Have Announced Their Dividends

Golden Pillar Sacco- Dividends payout at 12%, interest on Deposits 8.5% .

Ndege Chai Sacco - Dividends payout at 18.5%, interest on Deposits at 10%

Unison Sacco - Dividends payout at 18%, interest on Deposits at 12.6%

Kenya Highlands Sacco - Dividends payout at 15%, interest on Deposits at 13.5%

Stima Sacco—Interest on deposits 11%, Dividends on shares 16%

Mhasibu Sacco—Interest on deposits 8%, Dividends payout15%

Harambee sacco—Interest on deposits 9%, Dividends payout 15%

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