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The 5 Main Costs You Pay For Not Having Insurance
Money Management

The 5 Main Costs You Pay For Not Having Insurance

In a nation where insurance penetration remains staggeringly low, many Kenyans find themselves caught in a paradoxical situation. 

Despite acknowledging the importance of insurance, they hesitate to take the necessary steps to get covered adequately, either procrastinating or waiting for a convincing push. This hesitance persists even among those who can afford insurance, with a prevalent perception that it's an unnecessary expense reserved for the affluent.

Consider the stark statistics: according to the 2021 FinAccess national survey and the Kenya Demographic and Health Survey (KDHS 2022), only a quarter of Kenyans have access to health insurance. 

Government data further illuminates that merely one in four individuals, amidst the 53 million populace, possess some form of health insurance, with coverage predominantly concentrated among the wealthy. 

Such figures indicate that thousands of families are “one medical emergency away from bankruptcy” - a common refrain - while many more spiral into insurmountable debt due to high healthcare costs.

Yet, amidst this hesitation and procrastination lies a critical truth - there's a cost for waiting until calamity strikes. It's far more prudent to familiarise oneself with available insurance options and proactively seek adequate coverage than to merely hope for the best.

In this article, we will discuss five costs that you are vulnerable to pay if you do not have insurance.

Read Also: Why You Should Have Insurance as a Young Adult

1. Health Risks and Medical Expenses

The financial toll of unexpected medical emergencies can be catastrophic. Without the safety net of health insurance, individuals and families are left to grapple with high healthcare costs, often plunging them into deep financial distress. 

From hospitalisation expenses to medication costs and surgical procedures, the burden of medical bills can quickly accumulate, eroding savings and pushing families to the brink of financial ruin. Health insurance serves as a vital shield against such unforeseen expenses, providing coverage for medical treatments and ensuring access to quality healthcare without incurring crippling debts.

Consider the case of a family facing the daunting prospect of financing a major surgery without the cushion of health insurance. The sheer weight of medical expenses can place an immense strain on their finances, forcing them to make difficult choices and compromises in pursuit of necessary healthcare. 

However, with the foresight to invest in health insurance, such families can navigate medical emergencies with greater ease and financial stability, safeguarding their well-being and peace of mind.

Money & Me: Insurance a Life Saver

2. Income Loss and Disability

The onset of illness or disability can disrupt one's ability to earn a livelihood, leading to substantial income loss and financial hardship. Without the protective mantle of income protection insurance, individuals are left vulnerable to the cascading effects of lost wages and mounting expenses. 

Whether due to a debilitating illness, or a disabling injury, the sudden cessation of income can upend households, plunging them into uncertainty and deprivation.

Income protection insurance offers a lifeline in such precarious circumstances, providing a steady stream of income in the event of incapacity to work. By ensuring financial continuity during periods of illness or disability, this form of insurance offers much-needed stability and security, allowing individuals and families to weather the storm without facing dire financial consequences.

With the unpredictability of the current labour market in Kenya, redundancy or income protection insurance may be a consideration to help workers in sectors prone to job cuts deal with the unanticipated loss of income. 

Consider the plight of a breadwinner rendered unable to work following a devastating accident. Without the safety net of income protection insurance, they find themselves grappling with the harsh reality of lost wages and mounting expenses, struggling to make ends meet amidst the turmoil.

However, with the foresight to secure income protection insurance, they can rest assured knowing that their financial needs will be met, even in the face of adversity.

3. Property Damage and Loss

Unforeseen events such as fires, floods, or natural disasters can wreak havoc on property, leading to devastating losses and financial ruin. Without the shield of property insurance, homeowners are left vulnerable to the whims of fate, facing the prospect of rebuilding their lives from the ashes without adequate financial support.

From structural damage to loss of belongings, the repercussions of such events can be profound, leaving families reeling in the aftermath.

Property insurance offers a vital layer of protection against such unforeseen contingencies, providing coverage for property damage and loss due to a variety of perils. 

By safeguarding one's most valuable assets, this form of insurance offers homeowners peace of mind and financial security, enabling them to rebuild and recover without bearing the full brunt of the financial burden.

Even valuable belongings such as smartphones, laptops and cameras can be covered under device insurance saving you the financial pain of raising the often high amounts to replace them in case of theft or accidental damage. 

Consider the scenario of a homeowner confronted with the devastation of a house fire. Without the safety net of property insurance, they find themselves grappling with the daunting task of rebuilding their lives from scratch, facing immense financial strain and uncertainty. 

However, with the foresight to invest in property insurance, they can navigate the challenges of recovery with greater ease and resilience, knowing that they have the necessary support to rebuild and restore their home.

4. Legal Liabilities and Lawsuits

In addition to the other financial risks, not having insurance leaves individuals and businesses exposed to legal liabilities and lawsuits, which can wreak havoc on their financial stability. When facing legal action, the absence of insurance protection means bearing the full brunt of legal expenses, settlements, and potential judgments alone.

Liability insurance serves as a crucial safeguard against such scenarios by covering the costs associated with legal defence, settlements, and judgments. It acts as a shield for individuals and businesses against the financial fallout of legal disputes.

Imagine a business owner whose establishment is sued following a customer slip-and-fall accident on their premises. Without liability insurance, the owner must cover the legal expenses and any potential settlements out of pocket. This burden can be overwhelming, leading to financial strain and even bankruptcy.

By investing in liability insurance, individuals and businesses can mitigate the financial risks posed by legal liabilities and lawsuits. It provides peace of mind, knowing that they have the necessary protection to navigate legal challenges without facing ruinous financial consequences

5. Funeral and Last Expenses

The emotional and financial burden of funeral and last expenses can weigh heavily on families already grappling with loss and grief. Without the cushion of last expense insurance, loved ones are left to shoulder the costs of funeral arrangements and final arrangements, often placing a significant strain on their finances. 

From funeral expenses to burial costs and memorial services, the financial implications of such events can be substantial, adding to the already considerable burden of loss and mourning.

Last expense insurance offers a measure of relief in such trying times, providing coverage for funeral and last expenses to ensure that loved ones are laid to rest with dignity and respect. 

By alleviating the financial burden of final arrangements, this form of insurance offers families peace of mind and financial security, allowing them to focus on grieving and healing without the added stress of financial worries.

Consider the experience of a family grappling with the sudden loss of a loved one. Without the safety net of last expense insurance, they find themselves confronting the daunting task of arranging a funeral and final arrangements, all while navigating the complexities of grief and loss. 

However, with the foresight to secure last expense insurance, they can honour their loved one's memory without bearing the full brunt of the financial burden, finding solace in the knowledge that they have the necessary support to navigate this difficult time.

Wrapping Up

The costs of not having insurance are numerous and far-reaching, spanning from the financial burdens of medical emergencies and income loss to the emotional toll of funeral expenses and property damage. 

However, by investing in insurance coverage, individuals and families can mitigate these risks and safeguard their financial well-being against life's uncertainties. Whether through health insurance, income protection insurance, property insurance, or last expense insurance, the benefits of insurance are undeniable, offering peace of mind and financial security in the face of adversity. 

Therefore, it is simply a bad idea to wait for calamity to strike. Instead, taking proactive steps towards securing adequate insurance coverage is advisable to fortify oneself against life's uncertainties and ensure a secure financial future.

This Article In Brief: 

  • Financial risk: Without insurance, individuals face the full financial burden of unexpected events such as medical emergencies, car accidents, or property damage.
  • Legal consequences: Lack of insurance can expose individuals to legal liabilities and penalties, such as fines or lawsuits, in case of accidents or incidents involving others.
  • Limited access to services: Without health insurance, individuals may delay or forego necessary medical care due to high out-of-pocket costs, leading to poorer health outcomes and reduced quality of life.
  • Asset vulnerability: Without insurance, individuals risk losing valuable assets such as homes, vehicles, or businesses due to events like natural disasters, theft, or lawsuits, leaving them financially devastated.
  • Emotional stress: Not having insurance can lead to significant emotional stress and anxiety, especially in the face of unexpected expenses or uncertainty about the future, impacting mental well-being and overall quality of life.
  • Limited opportunities: Lack of insurance may hinder access to certain opportunities in some instances, such as employment or housing, as some employers or landlords may require insurance coverage as a condition.
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Eric Ndubi is the Managing Editor at Money254. He holds an MSc in Media and Communications from the London School of Economics and Political Science. Prior to leading Money254's editorial team, he worked as the Editor at, social media manager at Citizen TV and editorial manager at You can find him on twitter @Eric_Ndubi

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