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Ruto's Cabinet Nominees Declare Their Wealth- Full List
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Ruto's Cabinet Nominees Declare Their Wealth- Full List

In the just-ended week, the Nominated Cabinet Secretaries were vetted by the National Assembly’s Committee on Appointments, which was chaired by the speaker of the National Assembly, Moses Wetangula.

Part of the vetting involved the nominees declaring their net worth. Collectively, the 20 nominated cabinet secretaries are worth more than Ksh10 billion. Hassan Joho, nominated Cabinet Secretary for Mining and Blue Economy, is the richest, registering a net worth of Ksh2.3 billion. The youngest nominee, Eric Muuga, stated his net worth to be Ksh31 million. This was the lowest net worth recorded during the vetting that ended on Sunday.

Nine nominees were worth more than Ksh500 million, while eight were worth more than Ksh100 million. Only three nominees were worth less than Ksh100 million.

Kithure Kindiki - Ksh694 million

Cabinet Secretary nominee for the Ministry of Interior Coordination Kithure Kindiki on Thursday, August 1, appeared before the National Assembly's Committee on Appointments for vetting.

Kindiki was asked to declare his net worth as part of the vetting process, placing his net worth at Ksh694 million. He said this was a Ksh150 million increase from his declaration when he first joined Cabinet in 2022 of Ksh544 million.

His net worth includes his two homes in Nairobi and Tharaka Nithi, which are worth Ksh190 million combined, his land and buildings, which are worth Ksh235 million, as well as vehicles worth Ksh17 million. The former Cabinet Secretary also has savings in various banks and Saccos in the country.

The professor of law added that his income was mainly from his law firm. “I have not done any business with the government. I have not applied for any tender, by myself, by proxy, by relative or by anybody… Much of my revenue has come from the law firm which is active but managed by other people,” Kindiki said.

Debrah Mlongo Barasa - Ksh455 million

Debrah Mlongo Barasa, the new Health Cabinet Secretary nominee, is an internal medicine physician and infectious disease expert at the World Health Organization with over 18 years of healthcare experience. 

She holds a Master of Medicine in Internal Medicine from the University of Nairobi and is pursuing a Master’s in Infectious Diseases from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

Barasa has also supported Eastern and Southern African nations in developing health programs and policies. 

She is set to succeed former Health CS Susan Nakhumicha.

When she appeared before the National Assembly's Committee on Appointments for vetting she declared her wealth as Ksh455 million which she co-owns with her husband.

“My net worth is a combination of mine and my husbands and it is Ksh455,845,320.”

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Alice Muthoni Wahome - Ksh327 million

Alice Muthoni Wahome has been nominated as the Cabinet Secretary for Lands, Public Works, Housing, and Urban Development. She has been vetted today by the National Assembly's Committee on Appointments for vetting. 

She was previously appointed Cabinet Secretary for Water and Sanitation in September 2022 and then moved to the Ministry of Lands, Public Works, Housing, and Urban Development in October 2023, a position she held until July 11, 2024.

Wahome holds a bachelor's degree in law and earned a postgraduate diploma from the Kenya School of Law in 1985, making her a lawyer by profession. 

She was first elected as the Member of Parliament for Kandara Constituency in the March 2013 general elections and successfully defended her seat in 2017 and 2022 before resigning to join the cabinet. 

During her vetting in 2022, she stated her wealth to be Ksh218 million. In 2024, her wealth stands at Ksh327 million, an increase of about Ksh109 million, which she attributed to her property increasing in value. “It is the property that has increased in value and then there was a tenant who was not paying rent, and they paid Ksh14 million sometimes in March.”

Julius Migos Ogamba - Ksh790 million 

Julius Migos Ogamba has been nominated as the new Education Cabinet Secretary, succeeding former CS Ezekiel Machogu. He and former Education Cabinet Secretary, Ezekiel Machogu, running on a UDA ticket, lost the Kisii gubernatorial seat in 2022 to Governor Simba Arati.

Ogamba, a lawyer with nearly 30 years of experience, was appointed chairman of the Kenya Electricity Generating Company PLC (KenGen) Board in 2023.

In his vetting today, he declared his net worth as Ksh790 million. “I am worth Ksh790 million. Made up of largely land, and I’ve got tea. I’ve got trees, vehicles, farm equipment, and income from the law firm.”

Roselinda Soipan Tuya - Ksh243 million

Roselinda Soipan Tuya is a Kenyan politician who made history as the first Maasai woman to serve in the Cabinet of Kenya. She initially served as the Cabinet Secretary for Environment, Climate Change, and Forestry until her dismissal on July 11, 2024. 

Tuya holds a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of Nairobi and a Master of Laws from the University of Washington. She represented Narok County as the women's representative from 2013 to 2022 and is the daughter of former Narok South MP Samson Ole Tuya.

She is nominated as the Cabinet Secretary for Defence, and during her vetting, she declared her net worth as Ksh243 million, up from Ksh156 million when she was last vetted. She attributed the growth to the appreciation of assets. “It’s largely appreciation of assets, private business and one asset acquired within Nairobi.”

Cabinet Nominees are undergoing vetting in parliament, where each is required to declare their net worth. So far, 6 of the 22 nominees have faced the National Assembly's Committee on Appointments for vetting.

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Eric Muuga Muriithi - Ksh31 million

Muriithi is a Civil Engineer and water resource enthusiast with over eight years of experience in managing engineering projects, water hydraulic modelling, and designing water and wastewater networks. He holds a master's degree in Civil Engineering (Water Resources) from the  University of Nairobi (2018-2022) and a bachelor's degree in Civil and Construction Engineering (First Class Honours) from the same university (2011-2016). 

Muriithi has worked as an assistant project engineer at the Water and Sanitation Development Project (WSDP) and KIMAWASCO, and as a design engineer for the Kenya Towns Sustainable Water and Supply Sanitation Program. In 2019, he contributed to the Feasibility Study & Preparation of a Water Supply Master Plan for Murang’a County.

In his vetting, he revealed his wealth to be Ksh31 million. “I come from a region that is engaged in farming, so I have invested in land and planted crops, tea, coffee, bananas, and others… I have chosen to invest instead of buying a car to start with.”

Andrew Karanja - Ksh214 million

Dr. Karanja has over 36 years of experience in development economics, rural development, finance, and agriculture. He began his career as an extension officer and planning officer in the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development. 

He then joined the Coffee Research Foundation, becoming the Senior Agricultural Economist and Head of Economics. In 2003, he joined the World Bank, where he was promoted to Senior Agricultural Economist. 

Appointed to the Cabinet in 2022, he served in East African Affairs and later in Investments, Trade, and Industry. 

Agriculture Cabinet Secretary nominee Andrew Karanja says he is worth Ksh214 million. “It’s made up residences, apartment, vehicles and deposits in various banks.”

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Aden Duale - Ksh980 million

Aden Duale is among the cabinet secretaries who have made a comeback after President William Ruto dissolved the cabinet in July.

He is now nominated to be the Cabinet Secretary Environment, Climate Change and Forestry

The former Member of the National Assembly for Garissa Township Constituency, Duale served as the Majority Leader of the National Assembly under the Jubilee Party in the 11th Parliament from 2013 to 2017 and in the 12th Parliament from 2017 to 2020

During his vetting, he declared that his net worth stands at Ksh980 million, compared to Ksh851 million when he was vetted in 2022. "I have pieces of land both in Garissa and Nairobi, my house in Nairobi, my house in Garissa, my cattle ranch in Garissa, my rental property in Nairobi and Garissa, my shares in family-owned businesses, my camels and cattle, and motor vehicles," he said.

Mr. Davis Chirchir - Ksh509 million

Mr. Davis Chirchir has a distinguished career in both the public and private sectors.

He was the General Manager at Kenya Posts and Telecommunications Corporation (KPTC) and helped in the creation of Telkom Kenya and Safaricom. He was also a member of the Technology Committee at the Nairobi Stock Exchange.

He was also the director of IT at the Interim Independent Electoral Commission.

Appointed twice as Cabinet Secretary for Energy (2013-2015, 2022-2024), he has been nominated to serve in the Roads and Transport ministry. 

During his vetting, Chirchir put his net worth at Ksh509.8 million this was an increase from Ksh482.2 million from the last time he was vetted. His wealth is “tabulated as farms, a house in Spring Valley at Ksh95 million, some rental property in Westlands, Matundu valued at Ksh50 million, vehicles, bank accounts, and an investment in a family tea value addition business at Ksh185 million.”

Dr. Margret Nyambura Ndung’u - Ksh95 million

Dr. Margret Nyambura Ndung’u is an Information Scientist with over 20 years of experience in research and project management across NGOs, the private sector, and academia. She holds a PhD in Information Systems and an MBA in Management Science from the University of Nairobi, as well as a BSc. in Information Sciences from Moi University. 

She served as the Senior Research Manager at the Global Digital Inclusion Partnership and a former Senior Internet Governance Expert at PRIDA. 

Dr. Ndung’u, nominated as ICT and Digital Innovation Cabinet Secretary, has a net worth of Ksh95.3 million. While being vetted, she said her moveable assets are one car worth Ksh5.5 million, a house and land worth Ksh54 million, Treasury bills and bonds worth Ksh25.6 million, Sacco shares worth Ksh1 million, and cash worth Ksh11.5 million.

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John Mbadi Ng'ongo -  Ksh.437 million

John Mbadi Ng'ongo, elected as Suba Constituency MP in 2013, was the Minority Leader in Kenya's National Assembly before his nomination as the Cabinet Secretary National Treasury and Planning.

Holding a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Nairobi and a CPA-K certification, Mbadi's pre-parliament roles include Finance Director at Medair East Africa and Senior Accountant at the University of Nairobi.

Appearing before the Committee on Appointments, Treasury CS nominee John Mbadi stated his net worth is Ksh.380 million, with assets totaling Ksh.437 million and liabilities of Ksh.57 million. His liabilities include a Parliamentary Service Commission mortgage, Sacco loans of Ksh.20 million, and a KCB bank loan of Ksh.12 million. Mbadi also mentioned having deferred income investments with ICEA worth Ksh.6 million and an undetermined pension value.

Mr. Salim Mvurya - Ksh158 million

Mr. Salim Mvurya, a two-term governor of Kwale County, has been reappointed to the Cabinet, moving from Mining and Blue Economy to Investments, Trade and Industry. 

Mvurya holds a degree in Agri-Business Management from Egerton University and a Master’s in Participation, Power, and Social Change from the University of Sussex. He also served as vice chairman of the Council of Governors for two terms.

During his vetting by the Committee on Appointments, Mvurya mentioned that his net worth had previously been Ksh120 million. It has increased by Ksh38 million over the past two years, reaching a total of Ksh158 million. He attributed the rise to the completion of a property.

Ms. Rebecca Miano - Ksh444 million 

Ms. Rebecca Miano is an advocate of the High Court and a registered Certified Public Secretary of Kenya. She attained fellowship status (FCS) from the Institute of Certified Public Secretaries of Kenya (ICPSK) in October 2023. 

Formerly, she was the Managing Director of the Kenya Electricity Generating (KenGen) Company from 2017 to 2022. Ms. Miano has served on the Finance Committee of the National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK) and was appointed to the Cabinet in 2022 to serve in the East African Affairs docket.

She holds a Bachelor of Laws (LLB), a Diploma in Law, and has completed post-graduate studies in Comparative Law and the Advanced Management Program at Strathmore University.

The Tourism and Wildlife Cabinet Secretary nominee has disclosed her net worth to be Ksh444 million. This marks an increase from her net worth of Ksh397 million during her previous vetting in September 2022, showing a growth of Ksh47 million since then.

"I have not increased the assets but what I have done is to revalue modestly the properties taking into account the appreciation," she said.

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Mr. Opiyo Wandayi - Ksh530 million

Mr. Opiyo Wandayi, currently nominated Cabinet Secretary Energy and Petroleum, joined Parliament in 2013 as the member of Parliament, Ugunja. He chaired the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) from 2017 to 2022, overseeing the use of public funds by the National Government, Judiciary, and constitutional bodies. 

Before politics, he had a successful career in strategic and operational management, including a key role at British American Tobacco (BAT). 

Mr. Wandayi holds a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from the University of Nairobi, an MBA from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), a diploma from Kenya Institute of Management, and a Bachelor of Laws from Daystar University.

Energy and Petroleum Cabinet Secretary Opiyo Wandayi declared his net worth as Ksh530 million. He disclosed this information before the National Assembly Committee on Appointments on Saturday, detailing that his assets include cash, real estate, and farms.

"I have a farm in Siaya, Narok and some plots in Kitengela, Migori and Nairobi," he said.

Mr. Kipchumba Murkomen - Ksh550 million

Former Elgeyo Marakwet senator, Mr. Kipchumba Murkomen, served as Majority Leader of the Senate (2017-2020). After securing a third Senate term in 2022, he was appointed Cabinet Secretary for Roads and Transport. 

Mr. Murkomen holds a Law degree from the University of Nairobi (2004) and a Postgraduate Diploma from the Kenya School of Law. He earned Master of Laws degrees from American University Washington College of Law and the University of Pretoria. 

He has lectured at the University of Nairobi, Moi University, and Catholic University, and has consulted extensively on global human rights and environmental conservation issues.

Sports Cabinet Secretary nominee Kipchumba Murkomen has declared his net worth to be Kshh620 million. This is an increase from Ksh550 million, which he reported during his previous vetting in September 2022.

"After I was approved, I took a mortgage of Sh40 million and invested it. Besides that, my assets have generally appreciated by about Sh20 million," he said.

Hassan Joho - Ksh2.3 billion

Hassan Joho served as the Governor of Mombasa from 2013 to 2022 and previously as a one-term Member of Parliament for Kisauni Constituency. 

During his time in the National Assembly, he was the Assistant Minister for Transport and Vice Chairman of the Foreign, Defence and Election Committee. 

Mr. Joho holds a B.A. in Business and Human Resource Management from Kampala University and a diploma in business, shipping, logistics, and ICT.

Joho stated that his net worth stood at Ksh2.3 billion during vetting when he appeared before the National Assembly Committee on Appointments.

He clarified that the wealth was distributed between “largely developed and undeveloped property, which includes my homes in Mombasa, Vipingo, Malindi, and Nairobi. Shareholding in some property holdings, shareholding in family businesses, valuables, and cash at the bank." 

Dr. Alfred Mutua - Ksh462 million

Dr. Alfred Mutua, appointed to Cabinet in 2022 as Cabinet Secretary for Foreign Affairs, served as the inaugural Governor of Machakos County for two terms (2013-2022). 

Previously, he was the Official Government Spokesman from 2002 to 2012 under President Mwai Kibaki. 

With a Doctorate in Communication and Media, Dr. Mutua has been a journalist, author, businessman, lecturer, and politician. His academic career includes positions at Daystar University, University of Western Sydney, Macquarie University, and Zayed University. 

The Labor and Social Protection Cabinet Secretary nominee has disclosed that his net worth has increased by Ksh42 million. In 2022, during his vetting, he declared his net worth to be Ksh420 million. Now, his net worth stands at Ksh462 million. Mutua mentioned that his assets include hotels, businesses, and a few apartments.

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Wycliffe Ambetsa Oparanya - Ksh600 million

Mr. Oparanya is a seasoned Kenyan politician who served as Governor of Kakamega County for two terms from 2013 to 2022. 

He began his political career in 2002 as Butere MP, and later in 2008 became Minister of State for Planning and Vision 2030. Notably, he oversaw the 2009 National Census. 

He is the deputy party leader of ODM and chairperson of the National Coalition Executive Council of Azimio la Umoja. 

Mr. Oparanya holds a Bachelor of Commerce and an MBA in Finance from the University of Nairobi. He is also a Certified Public Accountant.

Wycliffe Oparanya has disclosed that he is worth Ksh600 million. During his appearance before the Committee on Appointments in Parliament on Sunday, he clarified that this amount encompasses his buildings and residential houses.

Justin Muturi - Ksh801 million

Justin Muturi was the seventh Speaker of the National Assembly of Kenya from 2013 to 2022. Before President Ruto dissolved his cabinet, Muturi was serving as the Attorney General of Kenya. 

Muturi began his political career as a Member of Parliament, representing Siakago Constituency after winning a 1999 byelection and being reelected in 2002. 

His notable roles included opposition chief whip and chair of the Public Investment Committee. Before his political career, he was a principal magistrate from 1982 to 1997.

Muturi disclosed his net worth as Ksh801 million, an increase from the Ksh761 million reported during his previous vetting. Muturi explained that the Ksh40 million increase over two years primarily came from the revaluation of small properties in his village and income from farming activities.

Stella Soi Lang'at - Ksh70 million

Prior to her nomination, Stella Soi Lang'at served as the Director of Administration at the Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government. 

Her career includes roles such as county secretary for Bomet County (April 2020 - October 2021) and senior deputy county commissioner II for Nyando subcounty in 2019. 

Previously, she served as deputy commissioner for Bomet East, Sameta, and Mwingi sub counties (March 2015 - February 2019) and as an Under Secretary in the Office of the Attorney General (February 2014 - March 2015). 

She holds a Master’s in Public Administration (Executive) from Moi University and a Bachelor’s in Political Science.

She declared her net worth to be approximately Ksh70 million. Her assets include homes, pieces of land, several cows, avocado orchards, and some shares and securities.

No items found.

Stephen Kimani aka KIMSpeaks is a thought leader, speaker, and writer. He is also the Founder of Living the DREAM. He is passionate about learning and teaching ideas that empower people to improve the quality of their lives. You can connect with Kimani on LinkedIn.

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