Nike, Apple, and Uber are all household names. What images do you conjure? Think Nike and images of hard-working athletes; think of Apple, and terms like "sleek," "sophisticated," and "state of the art" come to mind.
Know what? The same should apply to your personal brand. What do you want them to think when they hear your name or see you at work?
Personal branding necessitates self-awareness and deliberate action. How can you build a positive, dependable, recognisable personal brand?
Identifying your principles and how others perceive you are critical steps in your personal development. Note that you have more power over that image than you believe.
How you present yourself to the world is referred to as your brand. Ideally, you desire the world to see your particular mix of abilities, knowledge, and character. Essentially, it's how you tell your story and how it portrays your actions, words, and feelings.
To stand out from the crowd, you use your brand. You can connect your personal brand to your business in a way that corporate branding can't even accomplish on its own.
Your professional personal brand is the perception that others have of you in the workplace. Real-life observations, media portrayals, and online data can influence how others perceive your personality and character.
Without your input, you can ignore or manipulate your personal brand and let it build organically, possibly chaotically.
Until recently, your personal brand was essentially just your business card. Few people might have heard of you if you weren't a household name in the media or a prominent face in advertising.
However, you are far less anonymous in today's widely publicised world, where social media discusses every other aspect of our actions in great detail.
When people search for you online or meet you in person, they will see your brand, representing who you are and the image you want to project.
It's possible to create a searchable online personal profile from all of our social media activities—whether we're aware of it or not. For example, when conducting background checks on potential new employees, today's employers are turning to the Internet for help.
In fact, 57% of employers say they are less likely to interview an applicant they cannot find on the Internet.
By actively developing a personal brand that reflects your personality, you can control how you are perceived rather than letting it happen by chance.
Although social networking sites are primarily about interacting with others, viewing them as platforms from which you can easily build your brand is a good idea.
Note that once you have a renowned brand, it can significantly impact your career and elevate you.
To build a successful personal brand, follow these steps. We'll begin by looking at where you are and who you are right now, and we'll go from there. If you want to understand your brand better, here are some questions to ask yourself:
Consider what's working and not right now for your brand as a starting point. Do not overthink this. Consider the following self-examining questions:
In the meantime, it's time to delve deeper and consider your personality and what counts most to you in life. To get you started, consider posing the following queries:
Invite your boss, trusted colleagues, and anyone who knows you well to discuss your present personal brand. (At this point, brace yourself because this could become an unpleasant process.) You'll have blind spots highlighted, which is a good thing. You'll also discover what people admire about you that you never knew.
The goal is to get a sense of how people perceive you, not for them to pass judgment on your character. Send a short email that reads something like this:
"I'd like to know where my brand stands so I can make adjustments." I value your feedback and would like to hear about my strengths and weaknesses. I want to know how you perceive me so that I can discover where and how to improve."
Here are some great questions to ask others to begin comprehending your current personal brand at work.
When you receive feedback, simply say, "Thank you so much," and move on. Don't try to defend yourself or justify your actions. It's up to you to discover how others perceive you, not shield your actions. (It is your responsibility to create a safe environment where people can answer honestly.) Because, let's face it, inquiring what someone truly thinks can be uncomfortable for everyone.)
It would be best if you built your brand in a way that makes it easy to talk about online and easy to say out loud and show through actions and behaviours.
Since you will "live and breathe" your brand, it's essential that it's true to who you are and shows that.
Follow these steps to create your brand:
With your brand, it must be consistent with your interests and hobbies. Are you pursuing a career or a hobby that you are passionate about? Professional speakers sell themselves as people who can talk in front of large groups and have the desire to succeed in their field of expertise.
Create social networking profiles that suit your interests. Making the most of your LinkedIn profile is critical to achieving your professional goals. Keep your Facebook and Twitter profiles in sync with your brand's overall tone and message if you use these social media sites.
Describe how you plan to take advantage of your own unique personal brand. In the same way that any commercial or corporate brand has a strategy for growth, you should map out a roadmap for your personal brand's development. Then, begin creating contacts, actions, and plans for the future that are consistent with your brand.
Storytelling is a highly successful strategy for developing a strong personal brand. But, even if it's simple to express who you are and what you do professionally, a bland description of who you are won't help you stand out from the crowd.
If you don't share your brand with the rest of the world, all your hard work will be in vain. Instead, you can share with others what you've learned about yourself, your values, beliefs, skills, and character.
Be who you are, no matter what anyone else thinks of you. Imitating someone else deprives the world (and yourself) of your unique skills, mission, and meaning.
Practice what you preach. Begin to act consistently with the person you aspire to become. Don't grumble about arriving a few minutes early to work. When Jenny in accounting remarks on your new haircut, say thanks. When the barista serves you a cup of tea, give her a wide grin. These seemingly insignificant exchanges accumulate over time.
You want people to know what you're all about, so don't be obnoxious about it. Instead, you can gradually introduce this information into the dialogue naturally. Let them play out. Walk the talk. Do this, and your brand will benefit from it.
Do your best to live and work to the fullest extent possible. Continue your education by reading books, attending classes, and listening to podcasts. Invest in your friendships and mentorships with others. Your health and well-being are essential for pursuing new endeavours, so take care of yourself. It is the beginning of a lifelong character and personal brand development process.
Creating a personal brand that others can trust is the key to increasing your income and having a more meaningful work experience. Want to know how people see you professionally and personally?
The questions on self-knowledge can help you identify what you're doing well and how you might strengthen your brand. As a reminder, openness to honest and sincere feedback could help you advance in your profession!
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