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7 Ways Shopping Online is Making You Poor
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7 Ways Shopping Online is Making You Poor

Shopping online has become increasingly popular in recent years, with many people finding it to be convenient and efficient.

Additionally, it provides a wider variety than a single retailer which allows access to goods and services that might not be offered at a physical store.

While there are many advantages to buying stuff on the internet, there are also disadvantages to be aware of some of which affect your financial well-being.

1. The Cost of Convenience 

The cost of convenience is the premium that consumers pay for the ease of buying products online and having them delivered to their doorsteps. With the increasing popularity of online shopping, shipping costs have become a significant expense for many consumers. Shipping costs can add up quickly, especially for those who make frequent online purchases, and these costs can eat into the savings that people often associate with online shopping.

In addition to shipping costs, the cost of convenience also includes other expenses, such as expedited shipping, packaging materials, and handling fees. For example, expedited shipping can cost several times more than standard shipping, but consumers may choose this option if they need their purchases delivered more quickly. Packaging materials and handling fees are also often added to the cost of an online purchase, which can further increase the cost of convenience.

Despite the added costs, the convenience of online shopping makes it popular since people can shop from the comfort of their own homes, compare prices and products from multiple retailers, and have purchases delivered directly to them. 

It is important, however, for you as a consumer to be aware of the cost that comes with the convenience and factor it into your decision-making process when shopping online. By being mindful of these costs, you can make more informed choices and avoid overpaying for the convenience of online shopping.

Read Also: Mindful Shopping: How To Be Deliberate About What To Buy

2. Impulse Buying

Impulse buying is the act of making a purchase without careful planning or consideration. It is often the result of an emotional or spontaneous decision. It can be tempting to make impulse purchases, especially when shopping online, as retailers often use tactics like limited-time offers and aggressive marketing to push their products. However, this type of shopping behaviour can have serious financial consequences and make the best of us poor over time.

One of the main reasons impulse buying can make us poor is that it often leads to overspending. 

People who make impulse purchases are more likely to buy things they don't need or can't afford, which can quickly add up to a significant amount of debt. Additionally, impulse purchases often lack the same level of consideration that comes with a well-thought-out purchase, meaning that the item may be of lower quality or not as useful as the buyer initially thought.

Impulse buying can also lead to poor budget management, as a person who makes impulsive purchases may struggle to stick to their budget and save money. This can be especially problematic for those who live paycheck to paycheck since unexpected expenses or unplanned purchases can quickly disrupt their financial stability. By being mindful of your spending habits and avoiding impulse buying, you can take control of your finances and avoid the negative consequences that can come with impulsive shopping behaviour.

Read Also: 10 Tricks to Stop Impulse Spending

3. Overspending and Accumulating Consumer Debt

Overspending and accumulating consumer debt can make anyone poor by creating a cycle of financial strain and stress. When we overspend and take on too much debt, we can quickly find ourselves struggling to make ends meet, paying high-interest rates on loans, and falling behind on bills. This can cause financial stress, which in turn can lead to even more overspending, creating a vicious cycle of debt and financial instability.

Buying stuff online could make you feel like you are not spending a lot since you do not have the opportunity to count the cash like you would if you were shopping at a brick-and-mortar shop. This means that you can end up spending much more than you intended since all you have to do is authorise the transaction by keying in a password or entering a PIN. With this unfettered spending, you could easily slide into debt if your finances deplete.

Overspending and consumer debt can lead to long-term financial problems. High levels of consumer debt can limit an individual's ability to save for the future, invest in assets or even make basic necessities like rent and utilities. This can lead to financial insecurity and reduced opportunities for growth and prosperity.

Read Also: What is Consumer Debt, and Why is it Considered Bad? 

4. Poor Quality Products Which Need to be Replaced Often

Poor-quality products bought online that need to be replaced often can make you poor by draining your finances and eroding your purchasing power. Every time you have to replace a product, you incur extra costs in terms of wasted resources which can quickly add up to a significant amount of money, eventually.

Furthermore, poor-quality products may also require more frequent replacements than higher-quality products, meaning that the costs associated with these replacements can become a burden over time.

Additionally, the hassle and inconvenience of returning or replacing low-quality products can also be a significant frustration.

Unlike shopping in physical shops, where you can easily return items or get assistance from the staff, online shopping can be more challenging and time-consuming, especially if the retailer has a poor return policy or is difficult to reach. This can make it harder for you to resolve issues with their purchases and can result in a loss of money if you are unable to return or exchange an item.

Read Also: 5 Items That Prove Cheap Can Be Very Expensive

5. Failures With Digital Payments

When making online transactions, the risk of failure with digital payments is always looming.

A poor internet connection or other technical issues could result in the payment being debited from a customer's account without being credited to the seller. Retrieving this payment can be a slow process, requiring the customer to inform the site and then wait 7-10 days for the refund to be credited to their bank account. 

If this happens severally and catches you unaware, you could end up being charged several times for a transaction where you could lose your money which hits your financial standing in the long run.

Read Also: How to Save Up for a Big Purchase, Painlessly

6. Lack of Accountability

Lack of accountability when buying products online can make you poor by reducing your ability to budget effectively.

Online shopping can make it easy to make purchases on a whim, without considering the cost or long-term impact on your finances. This can quickly lead to overspending and an accumulation of debt, making it harder for you to manage your finances.

Read Also: 8 Grocery Shopping Tips That Will Save You Money

7. No Bargaining

Bargaining is an essential aspect of doing business that allows buyers and sellers to come to a mutually beneficial agreement on the price of a product or service. 

However, with the rise of e-commerce and online shopping, bargaining has become rarer as many online platforms do not allow for negotiating prices. This lack of bargaining power can lead to you paying more for goods and services, which can add up over time and hit you financially.

Furthermore, online shopping often lacks the transparency of traditional brick-and-mortar shops, where prices are clearly displayed and customers can easily compare prices between different products. In contrast, online prices can be influenced by algorithms and dynamic pricing models, which take into account factors such as demand, competitor prices, and even the shopper's browsing history. This lack of transparency can lead to customers paying more for products without realizing it, as they have no way of knowing if they could have gotten a better deal elsewhere.

The absence of bargaining in online shopping can erode your purchasing power over time. It is important for you as a consumer to be aware of this and to look for ways to negotiate prices or find better deals, such as using price comparison websites, or shopping during sales or clearance events. By taking control of your spending and being savvy with your purchases, you can improve your financial well-being and avoid the negative impact of being unable to bargain online shopping.

Read Also: Haggling: How to Bargain for the Best Deals

Additionally, there are:

  1. Cybersecurity risks

Cyber security, or lack thereof, is a significant issue on the internet today. E-commerce websites collect crucial customer information such as your name, telephone number, address, and banking details.

Now, if these details landed in the wrong hands like hackers, then you can be sure that you will end up losing a good chunk of your privacy and at times money on the cards you use for online shopping.

To avoid falling victim, consider always disabling your card by changing your security details after every online purchase to avoid becoming a fraud victim which could leave you poorer. 

Read Also: Want to Tame Bad Spending Habits? Try the 30-Day Rule

  1. Lengthy return and refund processes

In case you receive the wrong product or a defective one, the most likely thing for you to do is return the product and demand a refund. However, this process could be lengthy and tedious and you could end up giving up without getting your money back. 

If you constantly shop online and this need for refunds or replacements happens to you often, then it could hit your finances making you vulnerable.

The best is to keep tabs and be on top of the game by ensuring that you could spot the red flags when it comes to online shops that could be guilty of this. Reviews from customers are a good way to tell if a shop is genuine and trustworthy or not.

Read Also: How To Figure If Something is Worth Spending On

  1. Dependence on technology

Due to the conveniences offered by online shopping, the possibility of becoming used to this habit is high which could end up denting your resources. Reliance on technology means less physical shopping and interactions with people which limits knowledge of what is happening with what you buy etc which could deny you real product reviews. You could also end up suffering from the rush that comes with buying stuff online which could make you addicted.

When it gets to this point, consider looking for ways to disengage to ensure that you don’t slide too far financially.

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Njenga has over 8 years experience in multimedia and business journalism both as a writer, editor and producer. He has over 5 years of experience in radio broadcasting as a news reader, reporter and presenter. He is also a 2012 Earth Journalism Network-EJN Fellow.

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